employee engagement

Effective Employee Communications

I always believe that keeping employee communications a priority helps keep organisation improve in its performances – an engaged workforce would mean more success.

Proper communications do help in eliminating misunderstanding and assumptions, and also help to encourage a healthy and peaceful work environment. An age-old aphorism goes - “It’s not what you say, but how you say it.” It’s a profound learning process that we must pick up along the way. Efficient communication with the team and all will make work done effective and professional.

Here you go:

Setting the right tone

We tend to encounter employees who try to test boundaries, and see where is good for them to test your limits. However, be sure to display confidence and keep the tone right. Seriousness is key and important for employees especially when you meet the uninterested ones. They must understand and keep in mind the message sends across. If information sent across are seemed to be unimportant, employees will reciprocate the same.

Use simple terms and words & articulate well

We want everyone to be on the same page and yet not everyone is able to understand the same if you use bombastic words to communicate. Keep messages simple for everyone to understand. You do want to keep explaining yourself on any pointers and everyone forgets what was communicated before that.

Listen to your employees

Communications are never meant to be one-way. Always encourage your employees to speak or open during group discussions so that they can be guided properly. You never know, we may have other employees who are also having the same questions in their head, and assume their ways of answers.

Use multiple forms of communication channels

Everyone gets message across in different means. You’ve employees who are good listeners, others who are needs assistance in visual communications while more who digested messages slightly slowly as they need to go through your messages repeatedly. Whenever possible, distribute your messages in all different channels such as e-emails, posters, face-to-face, presentation slides etc.

Plan the communications – Feedback & Q&A

I’m sure no one stands in front of their employees stuttering, and cannot explain any pointers during the session. Plan it out and ensure that the messages are brought across coherently. You might want to have a check-box to ensure that you do not miss out any information. It is also good to have some answers prepared for Q&A session.

Encourage feedback during communications. It gives you the chance to know that your message has been brought across and also to measure the effectiveness of communication.


How do you retain good employees?

There is a higher turnover rate in the market now. Employees are becoming less engaged and are constantly looking out for something better – Be it better prospects or because of poor management.

There is an increasing need to retain good employees and to understand what the employees are looking for. These are some tips to improve your retention rate.


The more communication there is, the better. It is one of the simplest form of engagement and employees would feel that they are valued and matter to the Company when the management takes some time off their busy schedule to have the meet up with them. When there is frequent feedback, employees are clearer on their roles and accountability, and can understand how they are performing.

Communication can also be in the form of outside work, when a manager care about their personal matters as well. The personal touch is what employees really value. 


Generally, people want to feel good at what they do. They want to feel that they are being valued. Mangers who emphasize on employee strength instead of their improvements help employees build confidence and this enhances productivity at the work place.

Bored of Work – Finding New Excitement

After a few years on the job and that you thought that you have mastered the skills required and that you are doing the same old work every day... Sometimes, the itchiness in you just tell you to move on and find more challenges, something that’s more “exciting” and “better”.

Sit down and really think – you achieve a level of trust with your bosses and colleagues and maintain certain flexibility at work – in terms of schedule and project timeline with colleagues. Imagine stepping into a new environment and having to build relationship and understand the culture and working styles all over again… well, some call that challenges. However, I thought challenges and excitement can be found elsewhere.


Here you are, with neighborhood or surroundings with people who are the less fortunate. Don’t let our free time run wild. Use this time to return to the society. Look out for the causes that you feel you can relateand that you do not seek favors in return. Be sure to attend voluntary works with heart to help others or expect nothing in return.

You will get to meet more people, and feel the warmth of the society and people who are going around with you. While you may find slight unhappiness and boredom at work, see the faces of the people you are helping, they will let you forget about unhappiness and you will be looking forward to seeing them for each cause or project you’re supporting.


You have your annual leave to consume yearly. I’m not telling you to use your annual leave all on vacations, but one or two vacations will be sufficient. Go for one that you leave your work behind totally – emails and business calls out of reach. Leave your work to your deputy in-charge or even your covering colleague. Have the trust and confidence that they’ll be following up with your work closely.

Honestly, there will never a “good” time to go for vacations. Every boss will tell you that they need you to be around. I’m sure your boss said that because you have been the person he/she has been relying on but when you start your break, they will respect your absence from work. Come on, he knows it – he yearns for the break too!


Start a new mini project out of office time. May not be the challenging and big money making project but it’s okay… do a really small one. For instance, picking up a small sale business like selling things off Carousell or assisting wedding photography. Things that are totally unrelated to your office-hour job.

Look, your current job is giving you a stable income and peaceful environment to pick up new skills (with more income)