
4 steps to build a strong team

It is every leader’s envision building a strong team but how many has actually done it and successfully driving and retaining the team? Leaders see each individual as key contributors and when built a team who is of a group of understanding people and they are willing to put in the extra mile to work, you are on the right track.

Understand and know each team member

It is essential to embrace the differences of the team. While taking the opportunity to understand each individual, you can help each member understand their strengths and the area which they can contribute to the team. Additionally, keep outings relevant on a monthly basis to have offsite interactions and this will give members an opportunity to appreciate each other and build a strong camaraderie.

Celebrate milestones and overcome failures

Always remember that your team member is not a robot. Human works with feelings and emotions, and they like to be recognized and appreciated with their hard work put in. Thus, be sure to spend time to give members the proper accolades that they deserved. Leaders should rewarded as deem when necessary and never take job performed for granted. Give them a shout out to make efforts seen by others.

In contrast, if the team has not performed well in certain area of work, take some time to salvage and conduct damage control. This will help everyone put their thoughts together to resolute any situations as a team. Never jump into finger pointing and lectures without understanding what went wrong with the work put in.

Value every individual

Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses and since it is put together as a team. Bring the best of each individual’s strengths for the team to make a stronger team. While you get busy with your every day’s work, never forget that each individual is unique in her ways, and every contribution to work functions and operations are crucial to the team. Valuing them will drive them to strive with the team. Make every day a purposeful day to attend work for everyone and it will be appreciated. I’m sure no one ever wants to come to work dragging their feet and feels devalue each time you see your leader. 

Holds effective meetings

Every meeting comes with proper agenda to address official matters but informal discussions must be held for the team members to share some of their day-to-day work concerns or even help to bring in new ideas to improve work processes. When they know that their ideas are being considered to be implemented, they will feel that sense of belonging and usefulness to help the organization improve