Recharged on Your Off Days!

Taking a break is the best way to keep yourself going in your career. Let go of all work-related matters, from emails to phone calls to messages. Never check any of them to re-energize your body and mind. If you keep going back to your work matters, you’ll probably get back to work and felt you have never rested!

Think through what you want to do on a good rest day, never stumble off with a list of things to clear and yet again, rushing through the short frame of time that you must clear the list.

Never Check Emails.

Start your rest day with a piece of mind. Stay away from the electronic devices to check on your emails. Yes, some of our works will require us to return responses as soon as we can. But that again, you know it’s a rest day, you get back when you are able to respond. If there is anything that is urgent, the other party should have rung you up and not wait for your respond over emails.

Prioritize on the important errands.

While you are trying to clear up your personal errands on a rest day, never allow it to take up the whole day. Before you realized that you are done with the errands, you are already exhausted to even catch up with yourself.

OH, and one thing to remember - try keeping the errands around the proximity so that you do not spend too much time running from point to point.

Hit the Gym! Sweat it out!

The rest day gives you the chance to restore yourself physically and mentally, so never get yourself stuck in front of the TV or computer, like any other typical day in the office. It does not help because you get back to office with the same old lethargic motions.

Even if you do not hit the gym, go for a jog or brisk walk, to sweat it out. Make the heart beat like never on a normal day! Exercises do help in increasing positive endorphins and help you clear the stressful mind to ease your anxiety.

Rekindle Friendship.

You can even use this time to meet up with long-lost friends who may happen to be their rest days too. As you grow up, you come to realize that your friends are busy with their daily lives and catching up with time after work, which leaves totally no time for others.

When you meet your friends after work, we will always be looking at the time ticking away, worrying for the last bus or not catching enough sleep to focus at work. Meeting in the day time can gives achieve a more productive catch up, no need to rush home for work on the next day, making it more fruitful.