How to Retain The Generation Y Employees

It is not difficult to foresee one day when you are sitting in your office, looking through the different resignations in your company. No company policy has changed, but yet why is the resignation list getting longer. Welcome to the world of Generation Y employees – where motives, and attitude varies very differently from the Generation X employees.
Let’s face it. What might work at one point of time, may not work now. Many companies want to tap on the potential of the technological savvy Generation Y employees, but not many have managed to retain them.

Before we talk about how to retain Generation Y employees, here is a disclaimer that this article could be written by someone from the Generation X who thinks he is a Generation Y employee. We all like to feel young.

Here’s How.

We like it two way

Generally, Generation Y employees like two way communications. They like to feel empowered to make the change, where feedback is not only given in the top down manner but in the bottom up approach as well.  

Generation Y employees generally appreciate honesty with their management and would like to know how they are performing and how they can even be better. They love to know they are making a contribution to society, so perhaps you should be thinking of how you can give back to the society with the involvement of your employees.  

In fact, instead of continuing to read this article – why not talk to your Generation Y employees to understand how can you retain them. This will allow them to feel more empowered.  

We are as delicate as the Balancing Bar

Generation Y employees do not separate work from life. Career are so important to us now, that they became our lives – and that is precisely the reason why work life balance is important. Generation Y employees would love to contribute to the company, but not at the expense of their own family or personal time. Give them the balance, and they’ll do the best for you.

We love opportunities

Opportunities to learn, and have personal and professional development would usually excite Generation Y employees. This only means you need to have a very strong internal hiring program where you encourage transfers between department and progression internally rather than external hiring.  

Trust us

Companies who are very regimental are usually boo boos for Generation Y employees. Generation Y employees appreciate employers who trust, and provide them the flexibility. If you currently restrict content on your company’s internet or penalizing them when they are 5 minutes late, you might want to think again.