Yes, that’s right! This article was intentionally published on the Monday for you to read when you are on the way to work. We usually associate stress with work – but it might necessarily be true.
Stress often occurs when people face demands from their everyday life, and there’s always a negative association with it. Stress does help to motivate people to get through difficult situations such as deadlines. One thing to note is that prolonged stress is detrimental to your health.
Here are 4 ways to manage them:
Time Management
Plan your time well. One should always plan your day at the start of the day and note down your daily events and tasks. Giving yourself ample time in between your schedules allow you to have minor hiccups here and there – such as traffic jams and vehicle breakdown (Not that it wish it happens to you on Monday mornings!)
Change your perspective
Have you ever experienced tension when things do not go your way? Instead of perceiving it in a stressful way, think of it in the more positive light. If you can’t find any positivity from it, how about thinking it as an opportunity to challenge yourself? Remind yourself that what you are experiencing, others are experiencing it as well. Talk to your friends and manage expectations.
Travel plans always work. Yes, you might not be able to travel now but you can always plan one so there is something you can look forward to!
I guess, it’s the right time to say that “Tough times don’t last, tough men do!”
Exercise Regularly
If you are like me, you would find that exercising is stressful in its own right. However, give yourself some time to relax your body – whether is it exercise or Meditation. Personally for me, it’s the latter. Do what help you to destress, and improve your mood. If you are an outdoor junkie, go for outdoor activities and perspire it out!
You can even do crazy things such as brisk walking, or using the stairs to get back home. That’s crazy in my definition.
Get Sufficient Sleep
This personally, is the easiest way to manage stress! Giving yourself adequate sleep of 7 – 8 hours would allow you to have more focus at work. This makes you more productive, and thus allows you to cope better with stress as well.