Leave Work at Work

No matter how hard you work, the truth is… you will never get a chance to leave work with all items on the checklist cleared. There will be work left undone. Ticking all your items on the checklist also does not necessarily make you a good employee. 

An overworked employee is more likely to make mistakes in her deliverables. You should remind yourself to leave work behind, keep your mind clear. You still got another day to settle the remaining work. Your quality of work would less likely be compromised when you are afresh and energetic to tackle what is ahead.

This is how you separate work from your rest time. Yes, at CVista HR, we are teaching you how to rest.

Keep the music on when commuting back home

Keep the music playing and do something that makes you really relaxed. Sing softly if you have a really nice voice or keep the melody going in your head if you don’t sound nice. Keep the journey back home enjoyable for both you and other commuters.

Try not to rush home

This is a little bit more challenging with everyone rushing to get home. Give yourself time, and let others squeeze as much as they want into the already packed train. You don’t have to – because you have the time. Do not have to be influenced and be one of the many sardines. This helps you relax, then feel frustrated when people are cutting your queue. If you have not been gracious the whole day, this is a good time to start!

“Work Hard, Play Hard”

Overused phrase – but it is true. If you have already left work, please do not think about work and think of the areas where you have not performed today. You will not be paid Overtime

Draw a line between work and play distinctively. This helps you in getting recharged for the work tomorrow. Think about the drama 9pm show you’ll be watching later!  

You should connect with yourself and your friends and families. Not with work because it affects your emotions negatively. You don’t want to be a snapping alligator when you are back home, and neither do you want to be judged when you yell at aggressive commuters (or get STOMPED!)

Just simply, enjoy life and be thankful for all that you have. That’s your responsibility until you begin your next day at work again.